Short NEC3 Introductory Overviews
Short NEC3 Introductory Overviews
Duration 1 day
Why you should attend this workshop?
To raise awareness, in a balanced way, of the NEC3 family of contracts as a suitable form of contract (outside of heavy engineering & construction) which helps the good project management of contracts / sub-projects. Having done this, it is up to you whether to you want to learn more and/or use it.
You will learn about:
The development of the NEC Family of contracts and how it meets its objectives of:
- Flexibility
- Clarity & Simplicity
- Stimulus to Good Project Management
- Question & Answers / Discussion
Recommended for?
This workshop is recommended for everyone currently involved with or about to be working under an ECC contract including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, contractors and their supply chain. This session will be suitable for those who are relatively new to these forms of contract as well as those who are already more experienced in the contract and looking to enhance their level of knowledge and understanding.