Pre-contract preparation for an NEC3 contract
Pre-contract preparation for an NEC3 contract
Why you should attend this workshop?
The development of a 'fit for purpose' contract strategy is perhaps the most important set of decisions for a successful contract. Perhaps the most important set of actions for a successful project (which flow from these decisions) is the development of the contract documents.
It can use worked examples to illustrate the points made or a client' current projects to develop the contract strategy.
Outline Programme
Start Up & 20-minute overview of the NEC3 family Contracting Strategy:
- Principles & Process for developing a 'fit for purpose' contract strategy.
- Which contract? Discussion / exercise.
- Which main payment option? Discussion / exercise.
- Which secondary options? Discussion / exercise.
- Fine-tuning & implementing the contracting strategy: filling out the Employer' Contract Data part 1 covering other aspects of flexibility.
- Developing and structuring the technical information 'Works Information, Site Information & pricing documents - to implement the contract strategy.
- Understanding the structure of the Schedule of Cost Components
- Evaluating Contractors' Contract Data Part 2, including the tricks they play.
- Contractors' Quality Submissions: what to ask, what to look for & how to ensure they do it!
You will learn about:
How to:
- Develop a contract strategy and hence what choice of options etc. to make under the NEC3 family of contracts.
- Fill out the Employer' Contract Data part 1
- Develop and structure the technical documents
- Evaluate the pricing information in the Contractor' Contract Data part 2 and
- What to ask for and then evaluate as part of the Contractor' Quality Submission.
Recommended for?
This workshop is recommended for everyone currently involved with or about to be working under an ECC contract including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, contractors and their supply chain. This session will be suitable for those who are relatively new to these forms of contract as well as those who are already more experienced in the contract and looking to enhance their level of knowledge and understanding.