NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC) Fundamentals Trial
NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC) Fundamentals Trial
Not sure about subscribing to our NEC3 TSC Academy just yet? This learning path contains a selection of four courses from the NEC3 TSC Academy which have been built in collaboration with leading industry experts Neil Earnshaw, Glenn Hide and Jon Broome, who have been directly involved in the drafting of the NEC contracts. Our NEC3 TSC learning path is a suite of online courses designed to explain the key aspects of the NEC3 suite of contracts, such as roles and responsibilities; how the key processes work e.g. communications, early warning, the plan, defects, payment, compensation events, task orders and dispute resolution; and how to effectively set up and implement the contracts.
The NEC3 TSC Academy covers:
- Overview of the suite of NEC3 contracts and their use
- Contract strategy for both main options (A-C) and secondary options (X1-X20)
- Preparing tender documents and assessing tender submissions
- Use of Contract Data and Service Information
- Roles and responsibilities of the key parties
- Key TSC clauses and processes including early warning, the plan, defects, payment, communications, compensation events, dispute resolution and termination
- How to apply the TSC in practice and achieve better outcomes for contracts