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Built Intelligence

NEC3 Overview and Introduction to the Engineering and Construction Short Contract

NEC3 Overview and Introduction to the Engineering and Construction Short Contract

Why you should attend this workshop?

This one-day workshop introduces you to the common philosophies of the NEC family of contracts and focuses in more detail upon the key mechanics and provisions of the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (ECSC). This is a simpler version of the Engineering and Construction Contract and is a lot slimmer in volume and complexity as it is intended to be used for a project that is low risk and low complexity. You will gain an understanding of the key processes both leading up to contract award and then how to administer the contract for the duration of the project.

Attendees of this course will have a much clearer understanding of the intent of the specific contractual clauses and in practical terms begin to see how they should administer them for the benefit of all parties on a particular project.

You will learn about:

' when this particular form of contract is particularly suitable
' preparing tender documents and appraise tenders received
' the roles and responsibilities of the key Parties
' how to apply ECSC in practice and achieve satisfactory solutions to problems
' the important ECSC clauses, in particular early warning, communications and
compensation events

Recommended for?

This workshop is recommended for everyone currently or about to be working under an ECSC contract including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, contractors and their supply chain. This session will be suitable for those who are relatively new to these forms of contract as well as those who are already more experienced in the contract and looking to enhance their level of knowledge and understanding.

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