Behaviouralising NEC
Behaviouralising NEC
Let's cut to the chase – it's all about behaviours. The things we do, the words we speak. Real progress on projects doesn't hinge on generic, feel-good slogans. It's anchored in real actions, the tangible efforts of people. Some actions are right in your face – think pouring concrete, swinging hammers, or digging trenches. But it's the subtler ones, often from managers and leaders, that are trickier to spot, measure, and evaluate.
Enter Behavioural Science. It's not just theory; it's a practical tool that brings leadership and management actions into sharp focus. Through the lens of behavioural science, every action is quantifiable. With a bit of know-how and practice, we can craft environments that nudge us towards more of the behaviours we desire and away from those we'd rather avoid – that is, if we're clear about what we want in the first place.
In his talk, Bob's going to dive into how behavioural science can be our ally in shaping the kind of actions we see more, and those we’d prefer to see less. It’s about making the right behaviours not just possible, but probable.