An Introduction to Collaborative Contracting (Part 2)
An Introduction to Collaborative Contracting (Part 2)
In 1994, the Latham Report (Constructing the Team) investigated problems within the construction industry describing it as 'ineffective', 'adversarial', 'fragmented' and 'incapable of delivering for its customers', proposing that there should be greater partnering and teamwork. Establishing collaborative practices is essential on building and construction projects, as they involve bringing together diverse disciplines, many of whom will not have worked together before. They are also involve the co-ordination and integration of a great deal of complex design information, procedures and systems. In short failure to establish clear and efficient project-wide collaborative practices can be disastrous. The aim of this course is to explore how the defining characteristic of collaborative contracting can be applied in practice to deliver projects in a co-operative and collaborative manner, in a spirit of mutual trust and respect.
After studying the second part of this two part course, you should be able to:-
1. Outline some of the characteristics of collaborative contracting, such as how contract obligations are maintained, overriding statement, team working, management of risk, treatment of variations and delays, performance data and profit sharing through target cost and list the risk in collaborative contracting, risk allocation, reputational risk and continuity of work and approaches to collaborative contracting, and be in a position to justify the negative impact of not working in a collaborative manner.