A quick guide to Data pooling and data integration in groups of companies
A quick guide to Data pooling and data integration in groups of companies
This course will provide guidance on the various stages in the life-cycle of a dataset. First, the dataset must be created, whether this is achieved organically, or through merger, acquisition or asset transfer. Then the dataset may be enhanced through the addition of data available from external sources. Thorough analysis of the combined dataset can lead to a deeper understanding of a group's customers, their needs and interests, with resulting benefits. But understanding the limitations on data use at each of these stages is critical to the success of a data pooling project.
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
- Understand why careful due diligence is vital prior to any proposed database acquisition to establish any potential legal or contractual restrictions on usage
- Understand how clear and robust data governance structures can help to mitigate risk