On Wednesday 18 September we kick-off our series of JCT Design & Build webinars. This webinar will provide an overview of the JCT Design and Build Contract 2016, highlighting the key features and contrast it with Standard Building Contract 2016.
What is Design & Build?
The Design and Build procurement is widely used in the UK, particularly for government-funded and larger projects.
One of the most commonly used forms of contract on projects where the contractor carries out both the design and construction work, the JCT 2016 Design and Build contract, like other forms of contract, requires careful management of time, cost and quality in order to deliver projects successfully.
What Will I Learn After this Webinar?
After attending this webinar, you should be able to:
- Understand the basic features of DB16, as defined within the contract itself
- Explain the key features included in DB16 briefly
- Compare DB16 directly with SBC16
- Outline changes made to DB16 in the 2016 edition of the contract, and the reason for their existence.
Who is it recommended for?
This webinar is recommended for everyone currently or about to be working across projects including employers, contractors and sub-contractors and are suitable for all those who may need support as they may have experience of delays, damage and compensation events.
To attend this free webinar, register here