Team Tales - May 2023

Team Tales - May 2023

This month our Team Tales features Adrian Von Plato, Chief Technical Officer here at BI - our very own techy superstar!

  • Can you describe yourself in 10 words?

I’ll need a few more than 10! I’d like to think of myself as a well-rounded individual who finds joy in multiple aspects of my life. I have a passion for my work and take great pleasure in my job, always striving to do my best and achieve success. Hopefully my positivity, drive, ambition, and enthusiasm for my work and in my life make me a valuable member of BI.

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself and your work background?

I have always been involved in technology since my school / university days, and it’s something I have a real passion for. My work life started out doing network support before “discovering” software development. I have spent a lot of years, strangely almost always in the construction industry, architecting and developing on-premise and cloud solutions for several customers worldwide. I am truly lucky to have been able to live and work in the Far-East, Middle East, Australia, South Africa, and Europe.

Outside of work, I like to prioritise spending quality time with my family and friends. My daughter was born 4 years ago and as the cliché goes, my bundle of joy arrived! I love being outdoors as a family, whether it be snowboarding, cycling, hiking, playing sports, or simply enjoying the fresh air.

  • How long have you been with Built Intelligence?

I joined BI in 2019.

  • So, can you tell us what your role entails at BI and what a ‘day in the life of’ looks like!

When I joined BI in 2019 it was as a technical lead on the backend development of the FastDraft platform. It’s been a whirlwind 4 years, but I have thoroughly enjoyed my progression to Chief Technical Officer at BI.

Usually after a bright and early start to my day and a quick breakfast I'll dive into emails and admin related tasks to get a head start on my day. This is usually followed by morning meetings where, together with my team, we share and brainstorm all things tech and how best to use technology to improves our products and services. My afternoons are spent catching up with members of the team, mentoring our junior team members and sharing insights and knowledge. Ill wrap up my day and “head home” to take on the real challenge of my day which is keeping my 4-year-old entertained!

  • What’s the best thing about your role?

One of the best things about being a CTO is the opportunity I get to work on cutting-edge technologies and, together with my team, solve complex problems that can have a real impact on our customers. As a CTO I get to collaborate with our talented teams at BI to bring new ideas to life and create innovative solutions that drive the company's success.

  • What has been your finest moment at BI – what achievement have you been most proud of?

Where to start! Probably being involved in taking FastDraft from a concept back in 2019 to the contract management platform it is today; serving 10,000+ users across 3 continents that handles 300,000+ communications on a monthly basis. None of this would have been possible without the amazing people we have recruited along the way!

  •  Tell us a little something about the person behind the role?!

I am a techy at heart with a real passion for innovation and cutting-edge technology. But I’m hoping my wife will agree, there's also a lot more to me than just my work. Outside of the office, I love spending time with my family, exploring new places with them, and keeping us all active through sports like cycling, hiking, snowboarding/skiing, tennis, and lots more. I am always looking for new adventures and experiences to share with my family, whether it's trying out a new restaurant in town or a camping trip in the mountains. BI keeps my busy, but despite this, I am really committed to maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and I am always looking for ways to recharge my batteries and stay energized for whatever challenges come my way; both at work and at home!

  •  Final thoughts or tips?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi

This quote is a powerful reminder that each of us has the potential to make a meaningful impact on the world and the people in it! Our actions can truly make a difference.

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