In this article we take a look at the CPD requirements for RICS APC and AssocRICS candidates, together with our top tips for getting your CPD record right first time.
What is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development, or CPD, is defined by RICS as ‘the systematic updating and enhancement of skills, knowledge and competence that takes place throughout your working life’.
What are requirements for RICS APC candidates?
A minimum of 48 hours’ CPD every 12 months. At least 50% of this must be formal.
What are requirements for RICS APC Senior Professional and Specialist candidates?
A minimum of 20 hours’ CPD in the 12 months prior to submitting. At least 50% of this must be formal.
What are requirements for RICS AssocRICS candidates?
A minimum of 48 hours’ CPD in the 12 months prior to submitting. At least 50% of this must be formal.
How are my CPD hours calculated?
What is formal CPD?
What is informal CPD?
Are there any activities that cannot count as CPD?
How do I know the difference between formal and informal CPD?
Can my part-time or distance learning accredited degree count towards my CPD?
How do I record my CPD on ARC?
Description - brief summary of the activity, e.g. Property Elite Webinar – Money Laundering
Activity status – either planned or completed, ensure you click the latter to include the entry within your total CPD hours
Start date
Hours and minutes
Activity type – formal or informal
Learning outcome - brief summary of the learning outcomes, e.g. ‘I learnt about red flags of money laundering and the relevant RICS Professional Statement. I also learnt about processes to follow when carrying out Customer Due Diligence and what information I may need to request from clients to satisfy this duty’.
What are our 5 top tips for recording your CPD?
Record your CPD as you go, rather than uploading it in bulk before submitting. This is because it is much easier to record your learning outcomes as you go, allowing time to reflect on what you learnt. This means you can ensure your CPD record is accurate and relevant to your competency choices and experience.
Ensure that your CPD record is written professionally and formally, using a consistent style, tense and grammar. We suggest using the past tense, e.g. ‘I learnt’ and ‘I gained an understanding of’, when discussing your learning outcomes.
Undertake relevant CPD that helps to build upon your level 1 knowledge base. CPD to expand your knowledge base outside of your core scope of practice is helpful but remember that you can be asked about anything in your CPD record during your final assessment interview.
Remember that you need hit the minimum requirements, but that there are no ‘bonus points’ for recording an impressively high number of hours! Also remember that you need to ensure that 50% is taken from formal activities.
Ensure that your CPD doesn’t include work-based experience, e.g. providing advice to a client. This instead needs to go in levels 2 and 3 of your Summary of Experience. Your CPD record should essentially cover the breadth and depth of your level 1 competencies, both mandatory and technical.
How will CPD be dealt with during my final RICS APC assessment interview?
About the author - Jen Lemen BSc (Hons) FRICS
Jen has extensive experience in providing training services to students, RICS AssocRICS, APC and FRICS candidates and corporate clients, together with academic experience as a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Lecture at the University of Portsmouth and Associate Tutor at the University College of Estate Management. Her RICS assessment experience includes sitting on final APC interview panels, APC appeal panels and being a lead APC preliminary review assessor.
She has also written published articles in Property Week, ACES Terrier, RICS Modus and the RICS Property Journal. She also writes a regular APC column in Estates Gazette Brick & Mortar podcast series with Sarah Jackman and is a contributing author to the Health & Safety section on RICS iSurv.
For more details on the Built Intelligence APC Structured training sessions available click here