Date: 4 & 5 March 2025
Join us on this 12 part course hosted by Steven C Evans BSc(Hons) LLB (Hons) FCIArb FAMINZ(Arb) FFAVE(Master) FRICS FCInstCES FCIOB FICE PRI
which will be running as 2 whole day sessions
The aim of this 12 part course is to provide an thorough understanding of the FIDIC Suite, key characteristics of the Yellow Book, and covering communications, roles & responsibilities, tender, documentation, procurement, programme & progress, Payment, Force Majeure and Termination, Insurance, Completion, Variations, Tests & Defects, Claims & Disputes and much more – giving a comprehensive overview of the processes
Part 1: The FIDIC Suite, key characteristics of the Yellow Book, the General Conditions and other documents
The aim of this first session is to provide an overview of the FIDIC suite, explain the purpose of the Yellow Book and how the contract is put together and give an understanding of the different types of documents which make up the Contract & how to draft Particular Conditions
Part 2: The personalities and communication
To give an understanding of the different personalities identified in the Contract, along with their roles and responsibilities and methods of communication
Part 3: Tender and award, the contract documents, quality and design
During this session we will learn about the method by which the works under a FIDIC contract are tendered, how the contract is awarded, the documents that make up the contract and the Contractor’s obligations
Part 4: Procurement and Subcontracting, Staff and Labour & Commencement and Completion
Covering the Contractor’s obligations in respect of the people who are undertaking the works and how the works progress and the programme submission process
Part 5: Programme and progress, Extension of Time, Suspension and Delay Damages
The aim of this course is to understand the extension of time provisions, the right of the Engineer to suspend the works and the consequences of late completion, how the Contractor makes a claim and how the delay damages are calculated and applied
Part 6: Contract Price, Payment and Final Account
This session outlines the various contractual provisions dealing with money and payment. You will learn how to identify the Contract Price, the Final Account process and payment provisions
Part 7: Ground Conditions, Force Majeure and Termination
During this session we will learn how the contract deals with unforeseen events, such as how the Contract divides liability for ground conditions between the parties, what is meant by Force Majeure and the process for a claim
Part 8: Risk and Responsibility and Insurance
Understand the various provisions dealing with insurable risks and what insurance is required including the party’s liabilities surrounding insurable risks, the difference between liability & insurance
Part 9: Completion and Handover, Retention
This session outlines the Completion and handover and Taking Over provisions in the contract, to understand what Define Completion is and the difference between Completion and Taking over and the relevant procedure
Part 10: Variations and Adjustments
The aim of this session is to understand the methods by which the Contract Price can be changed by Variations and other Adjustments and to explain the valuation process
Part 11: Tests and Defects Liability
This session covers the various provisions dealing with defective work and the various tests required by the contract, including the tests required before and after completion and the Contractor’s obligations in regard to defects and the consequences of a failure of a test
Part 12: Claims and dispute resolution
This final session gives an essential understanding of how FIDIC Yellow Book requires the Contractor to make a claim and how a dispute in connection with a claim is resolved. This includes the claims process, consequences of not following correct process, and the procedure for taking a claim to the dispute resolute process and the various dispute resolution methods in the contract
This 12-part course is a mix of free content and premium learning and to access the entire suite of training, a subscription will be needed prior to the event and the course will then be available on-demand for subscribers only
Part one begins at 9am 4 March 2025 - register for free here
With subscriptions from just £25 per month this is a great way of accessing a library of subjects and training material together with whitepapers, templates and technical helpdesk support Find out more